The firm 2009 imdb
The firm 2009 imdb

the firm 2009 imdb

EIS provides substantial detail on Employment Insurance benefits by geography, socio-demographics and former occupation.

the firm 2009 imdb

Later on, the SEPH report shows greater detail on non-farm industry employment and earnings and the JVWS supplies preliminary indicators on job vacancies. Every month, the LFS provides timely data on the labour market, including the unemployment rate and demographic analysis. These surveys are: the Labour Force Survey (LFS, record number 3701), the Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours (SEPH, record number 2612), Employment Insurance Statistics (EIS, record number 2604), and the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS, record number 5217). Together, four surveys tell a more complete story of current labour market events. The data are also used by labour market analysts, economists, consultants, planners, forecasters and academics in both the private and public sector. Regional unemployment rates are used by Employment and Social Development Canada to determine eligibility, level and duration of insurance benefits for persons living within a particular employment insurance region. These data are used by different levels of government for evaluation and planning of employment programs in Canada. For employees, data on wage rates, union status, job permanency and establishment size are also produced. Estimates are produced for Canada, the provinces, the territories and a large number of sub-provincial regions. The LFS also provides employment estimates by industry, occupation, public and private sector, hours worked and much more, all cross-classifiable by a variety of demographic characteristics. LFS data are used to produce the well-known unemployment rate as well as other standard labour market indicators such as the employment rate and the participation rate.

  • Questionnaire(s) and reporting guide(s).
  • The firm 2009 imdb series#

    With the release of the survey results only 10 days after the completion of data collection, the LFS estimates are the first of the major monthly economic data series to be released. The Labour Force Survey provides estimates of employment and unemployment.

    The firm 2009 imdb